Overwhelmed By Your Home? What You Can Do

Blog Category: Lifestyle

It’s not uncommon to feel like you are overwhelmed by your home. In fact, it takes a lot of work to keep it in order.

For most people, their house is their biggest asset and a great source of pride. You love your house and everything it represents for you and your family. Yet at some point, the endless repairs and yard maintenance may become daunting and something you no longer want to do.

Could I Really Move From My Home?

It’s a tough question that shouldn’t be taken lightly. It’s important to consider all aspects of hanging on to a house that may no longer suit you or the lifestyle you want to live.

Feeling overwhelmed by your home can also make it feel less like a place you can relax.

5 Signs Your Home May Be Too Much Work

  1. Fixing up the house used to be fun, but now you’d rather be doing something else.
  2. Spending money on traveling and hobbies is more appealing than spending it on home improvement projects.
  3. Yard work, snow removal, and other heavy chores are more than you’d like to take on, which means you have to find reliable help.
  4. You only use a few rooms on a daily basis, but you’re still paying for upkeep on the rest of the house.
  5. It’s costing you money for the rooms and property you don’t use.

How a Home Should Fit Your Lifestyle 

Take into consideration all factors, from your financial and physical health to the lifestyle you want to live now and into your future. Here are some questions to ask yourself:

  • Would a maintenance-free condominium or apartment provide you more time for fun?
  • Do you no longer want to cook and clean on a daily basis?
  • Would you like to be in a community surrounded by your peers?
  • With access to a pool, fitness center and planned activities?
  • Would you like to have transportation nearby or provided?

For today’s senior citizens, senior living communities have evolved and advanced to meet their needs and the lifestyle they seek. From independent living homes to on-site dining, pools, daily activities and more, these communities can provide an active and carefree lifestyle.

Financial Aspects of a Move

For some, reluctance to move comes from the thought of trading a mortgage-free house for a rental or condominium, with maintenance or association fees that could lead to higher monthly costs.

However, many often forget the hidden expenses in a home, especially if it’s an older home.

  • Roof maintenance
  • Driveway repair
  • Lawn and yard care
  • Snow shoveling

And the list goes on. Have you asked yourself, what burdens and financial stress would be removed by downsizing?

When it comes to downsizing, “if it makes sense, don’t wait,” says Steven Sass, an associate director at the Boston College Center for Retirement Research. He advises checking out the center’s online housing tool to for an easy-to-use calculator that can help see the financial aspect.

Deciding When to Move

Most importantly, don’t wait to weigh the pros and cons if you feel your home may be too much for you. The best time to make any decision is before you’re feeling too overwhelmed by your home to make an informed decision. Your age should not be the main factor in considering when to move.

By starting early – before your decision is based on need, such as healthcare needs – you are opening the door to more options and opportunities, especially when it comes to community living for seniors. Here are some things you can do to help make a decision:

  • Take time to do online research
  • Make visits to senior living communities near you that have services, amenities, and programs that interest you
  • Stay for a meal and try the food
  • Talk with other residents
  • Participate in an activity

Get all the information you need to create a plan of action for moving from your home, that excites you.

Ready to begin downsizing for your move? Here is the best FREE starter’s guide to beginning your next journey. Download your copy of Unlock The Power to Declutter.

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