Assisted Living and Elder Care: Is Assisted Living Right for You?

Blog Category: Health

For everyone, getting older and aging is an inevitability. Depending on how well you’ve taken care of yourself, your aging journey may involve a brief or extended period of physical decline. This can leave the question on many older adults’ minds, who will care for me when I get older? This is made even more complicated if you, like many older adults, are aging alone. Elder care and assisted living are often good options for those who experience difficulty with activities of daily living. 

In the past, many individuals relied on their families to care for them when they aged. However, as older adults today may have cared for their own parents, many do not wish to place that responsibility on their own children. Now, many seniors are opting for care in assisted living.

Elder Care, Assisted Living, and You

There are a variety of reasons an older adult may want to receive support or a higher level of care. Here are the reasons many people consider assisted living:

Difficulty with Activities of Daily Living

One of the most important reasons to look into assisted living near you is if you are currently experiencing difficulty with activities of daily living. This could include:

  • A lapse in personal hygiene
  • Restroom needs
  • Dressing
  • Meal management
  • Trouble walking or sitting up

If you live alone, it may be time to consider the aid of professionals. Senior living communities like Wesley Ridge provide dignity and privacy to residents to ensure they’re comfortable and supported. While not all facilities offer the same level of care, Wesley Ridge goes above and beyond in their duty to provide medical assistance. Be sure to look into what assisted living can provide to improve your quality of life.

Medical Mismanagement

Forgetfulness is a common challenge of aging and an issue often experienced by many seniors. Most occurrences are harmless, however, severe forgetfulness may be the consequence of an underlying medical condition. 

Oftentimes, seniors living alone may forget to take prescribed medications and may miss doctors’ appointments. What’s worse is they can sometimes forget whether or not they’ve taken certain medications at the proper dosage. These occurrences of medical mismanagement can be dangerous to their health, especially those with chronic illnesses like hypertension and diabetes.

Assisted living can help you manage your medications and get you to doctors’ appointments when necessary. 

Social Connections

Many seniors struggle with making new social connections and are vulnerable to isolation and loneliness. Though you may have been a social butterfly in your earlier years, as you get older, it may become harder to make new friends.

Assisted living communities are designed to promote the fostering of social connections. This is often done through bonding during events or scheduled on-campus activities where seniors can find others with like interests. These communities support socialization by:

  • Organizing events and programs
  • Offering a variety of activities like dance classes, fitness classes, games, book clubs, movie nights, and field trips
  • Providing common areas for seniors to mingle
  • Encouraging volunteer activities

Building new friendships can offer you a better quality of life and a sense of companionship.

Health-Related Challenges

Seniors who suffer from health-related issues like vision problems or arthritis may need additional help in the course of daily life. Assisted living or elder care is the perfect choice for those who may have difficulty due to health challenges. Assisted living ensures that extra aid is available to help residents with these problems live better, more independent lives. This could include therapy and regular checkups. These caregivers are professionally trained and have experience assisting with all kinds of medical issues. 

When Safety and Security Become Difficult

The older you get, the more likely you are to be vulnerable to safety concerns like accidents and falls. No matter how careful you are, there is always the possibility of having an accident, even while doing mundane things. 

In an assisted living community, not only will your physical well-being be cared for but also your safety. There are several common means to ensure your safety and security, like:

  • 24/7 staff
  • Emergency response systems
  • Safety bars and handles in accident-prone places

If you or someone you know is struggling with any of the above challenges, it may be time to consider assisted living.

When you chose to live at Wesley Ridge, you chose the freedom to do what you love most without having to worry about getting the care you need.

Wondering if your parent or spouse might be ready for assisted living but don’t know what the next step is? Check out our free eBook, Assisted Living and Older Adults!