Getting Older But Still Feeling Young At Heart? New Study Suggests Better Aging

Blog Category: Lifestyle

Getting older is a stressful experience for many individuals for a plethora of reasons. Your body may begin aching, you may worry about finances, and your mental faculties may wane. This stress can affect your mind as well as your body. However, new research suggests that people who feel younger often suffer fewer negative effects of stress. This comes with a greater sense of well-being, less inflammation, better cognitive function, and even a longer lifespan than their “feeling their age” counterparts. So, what is behind this phenomenon and how can you use it to age better?

Getting Older But Still Feeling Young 

The Science

Over the course of three years, researchers studied the data from over 5,000 participants in the German Aging Survey. One of the questions on the survey was how old the participants felt. And the results are in. Those who felt younger than their chronological age reported some other interesting correlations. It appears as though those who feel younger are able to counteract the effect of certain age-related health risks. The survey found that on average, those who reported higher rates of stress tended to experience a more severe decline in functional health over the three years the survey was conducted. This connection between stress and a decline in functional health wasn’t as strong among people who felt younger. This effect appeared most prominent in the oldest participants.

Because of this phenomenon, the results suggest that helping older individuals feel younger could reduce the health problems caused by stress.

How to Feel Younger

So, this begs the question; how does one start feeling younger? Well, fortunately, there are a few things you can do to help harness these good vibes. It can be something as simple as shifting your mindset.

One way to start is by asking yourself how you feel every morning. Then, try to make an effort to consciously incorporate some of the following lifestyle modifications:

  • Play: Try to incorporate play into your weekly schedule. This can include, but is not limited to; games, sports, and fun social interactions.
  • Laugh: It really is the best medicine. Try to laugh at least once a day by watching funny videos, reading comic strips, or talking to your funny friend.
  • Learn: This one never gets old. The more you learn the more active and healthy your cognitive function will be. Try starting a new hobby.
  • Explore: Get outside and walk around with the intention of finding something new. Whether it’s a pretty rock or a new hiking trail, just exploring your surroundings can help you feel younger.
  • Seek Adventure: Similar to exploring, try seeking a new adventure every day. This can be talking to someone new or trying that new restaurant that just opened on the corner.

If you experience difficulty with this step, try talking to your friends, mentors, and trusted medical professionals about what might not be working. There are many ways to approach changing your mindset and often seeking support is helpful when it comes to getting older.

Looking for some new secrets to living a healthy lifestyle? With this FREE A-Z guide on Living and Aging the Way You Want you can learn the ABCs of aging successfully. Download your PDF and start living the lifestyle you want.

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