Don’t Wait: Winter Cleaning Tips to Get You Clean While It’s Cold

Blog Category: Lifestyle

We should all be deep cleaning our house at least once a year. The most popular time of year for this is springtime, hence “spring cleaning.” However, if you are looking to sell your home or downsize, it might be best to clean during the colder months of the year. After all, you’re already stuck inside. Why not take advantage and deep clean your house and enjoy it during the winter? There are many benefits to winter cleaning, so enjoy our spring cleaning tips for the winter.

Benefits of Cleaning During the Winter

A Clean Home is a Happy Home

Though winter can be a beautiful time of year, it can come with some psychological complications, like seasonal affective disorder (SAD). This condition may be compounded by indoor factors. However, you have some control over the inside of your home. 

Cleaning can help with fighting depression and anxiety. Cleaning may not be fun, but the end result almost unilaterally makes people feel better. If you are dealing with SAD symptoms, try cleaning to beat the winter blues. In fact, the clutter around your home may be contributing to your seasonal symptoms. Though cleaning may not eliminate all your psychological challenges, it could definitely help.

Selling Your Home

If you are planning to move this year, keep in mind that spring is a popular time to sell and buy houses. Specifically, most houses sell between May 1st and May 15th. By cleaning during the winter, you’ll be one step closer to selling come spring. 

Winter cleaning is great for indoor renovations like painting walls or replacing carpets. You can change outdated light fixtures and dust hard-to-reach places. Though these tasks might seem small, they are great steps towards preparation to sell. 

Winter Cleaning Tips

Start Small

Starting a big project like winter cleaning can be overwhelming. After the holiday season, there can be a lot of clutter that piles up in a short period of time. Set aside time every week to tackle small spaces one at a time. For general downsizing tips, check out this article


Before you start any big cleaning project, it’s important to declutter your spaces first. It’s easier to clean when you aren’t working around a bunch of clutter. Whether it’s a bunch of holiday mail that has piled up or boxes from gifts, get rid of your clutter before you start cleaning for the winter. Now that the clutter is gone, you can focus on what really needs to be cleaned.

Routine Cleaning

If you have already decluttered your junk, you can begin a regular cleaning routine. It can be hard to get back into the swing of things after the holiday and many just let stuff pile up. But now is a great time to get back into your cleaning routine. Just remember to work high to low when dusting or wiping down surfaces.

Things That Should Wait Until Spring

Winter cleaning is a great way to get a jumpstart on spring. However, there are plenty of things that should wait until spring to get cleared out. Things that may cause the build-up of fumes, dust, or smoke should wait until warmer weather. This way you can keep the windows open and ventilate your home while you work.

So, tasks like cleaning your oven, shaking out rugs, or cleaning your chimney should wait until you can enjoy cleaning on a warm day.

Now, there is no time like the present, so get started today!

Ready to begin downsizing? Here is the best FREE starter’s guide to beginning your downsizing journey. Click the icon below to download your FREE copy to Unlock the Power to Declutter: The Definitive Guide on How to Start.

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