Assisted Living Facts: 5 Things You Don’t Know You Should Know

Blog Category: Lifestyle

Most people aren’t jumping for joy when they consider assisted living. But perhaps they should be. Many people believe that assisted living is only necessary if they aren’t doing enough as a spouse or an adult child. There is a lot of guilt associated with assisted living. And though this is normal, it is undeserved. Today, we are separating assisted living facts from fiction. 

So, take a deep breath and know that if you or your spouse/parent is in a position where assisted living might be necessary, understand you are doing the right thing and learning about your options to find the care they need.

Assisted Living Facts

What is Assisted Living?

There are so many types of senior care, from adult day care to skilled nursing and memory care. Concord Reserve is a continuing care retirement community with a complete continuum of care, which means they offer all levels of care, including assisted living. Assisted living falls right in the middle of the complete continuum, in both terms of care and cost.

At its heart, assisted living is intended to assist seniors in maintaining their independence while also receiving support, should they need it. Residents live in private apartments with their own bathroom and kitchen while also having a complete calendar of events at their disposal. 

Moving to an assisted living community does not limit your independence. Many individuals find that assisted living actually helps them be independent while also enhancing their quality of life.

How is Assisted Living Different From a Nursing Home?

What do you picture when you think of assisted living? Is it a dank and dirty nursing home out of the 1950s? 

Assisted living is very different from skilled nursing. Most assisted living residents aren’t under constant supervision and are able to live their lives however they want, just with a little assistance. “Nursing homes” or skilled nursing communities, on the other hand, are designed for individuals with ongoing medical conditions that require ongoing care from nursing professionals. 

And just to clarify, “nursing homes” today are nothing like they were five or six decades ago. Gone are the days of seniors sitting in a chair and staring at a wall all day. Now, it is standard to offer enrichment programs and a calendar of events.

Is the Dining Room Like a Sterile Cafeteria?

No, our dining options are staffed with culinary professionals to give residents a restaurant-style experience at your doorstep.

Can They Care For My Parent or Spouse Better Than I Can?

Simply and politely put, yes. Our community is proud of our professionally trained nursing associates. Though you may feel that nothing can compare to the care you can provide, it sometimes takes a community. With compassionate, high-quality care from our knowledgeable associates, you need not worry about caregiver burnout or late-night needs. Our associates have all care needs covered.

When is the Right Time to Take Action?

As an advocate for your spouse or parent, you want to ensure they have the brightest future possible. That’s why it’s so important to start your planning now. Unfortunately, many people don’t start considering their options until a crisis occurs. If you wait, you will be stuck with whatever is available. 

When you plan ahead, you will have time to do your research and even be put on a waiting list. So, whether or not you feel ready to start looking, the sooner you start the better for everyone involved.  It is best to move in while the individual is still active and reasonably healthy. That way they can take advantage of what community life has to offer. 

Don’t leave the decision-making process to anyone else and harness the power of choice with your new eBook, Moving to a Senior Living Community: Make Decisions Your Way

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