5 Best Healthy Food Trends to Make the World a Better Place
No, this is not a fad diet article, but rather something more optimistic. Today, we are here to discuss healthy food trends that are on the rise to help make the world a better place.
Healthy Food Trends
Greenhouses and Community Gardens
Greenhouses and community gardens aren’t only a healthy eating alternative, but it’s healthy for the environment as well. Local community gardens and greenhouses help provide essential produce to a healthy diet while diminishing your carbon footprint.
Food Sharing
Food sharing, or family-style dining, has been steadily growing in popularity to diminish food product waste. This can lessen the amount of food that goes to waste because people can choose their own portions as well as reduce the amount of water used to rinse multiple dishes at restaurants, like saute pans.
Who You Support
As generations grow more eco-conscious they are really starting to show it with their wallets. More today, people are looking to support their local restaurants and grocers as essential parts of the community and avoiding large corporate enterprises for their shopping and dining needs.
Rethink What You’ve Been Taught
Nutrition is a science and like every other science, as we learn more about it what we think changes. It’s important to be open to changes in what you were taught. This doesn’t mean following every new food fad, as many of those fads will fade. Nutrition science doesn’t usually change radically, but slowly over time.
Less Single-Use Plastic
It started on the west coast initially as California banned plastic straws and plastic bags as the rest of the nation followed suit. Most recently, the San Francisco International Airport banned single-use plastic water bottles. However, it’s not just bans making people and companies rethink single-use plastic products. Many of these bans are occurring due to more eco-activism and awareness of everyday individuals.
Want to eat an even more healthy diet? Check out this article on healthy substitutes for baking at home!
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