5 Exercises for Seniors You Should Never Skip as You Age

Blog Category: Health

 If you are looking to stay mobile as you age, keeping your body moving is the best way to achieve that goal. Basically, move it or lose it. And even a little exercise can go a long way in preventing painful arthritis symptoms, achy joints, brittle bones, and stiff muscles, according to the American Journal of Preventative Medicine. So, here are five exercises for seniors you should never skip if you want to age well.

5 Exercises for Seniors


Though squats are great for your body at any age, they are especially good for you when you are older. They activate both leg muscles and your core which in turn helps you balance better and preserve bone density. 

There is also some evidence supporting the idea that squats and other leg exercises result in major benefits for your brain as well. In this research, it was discovered that squatting sends a signal to your brain to produce more neurons that assist with learning and stress management. Doing squats is crucial to building the muscles that help with coordination and balance over 60. 

Free Weights

No matter if you choose to do bicep curls, tricep extensions, or shoulder presses, it’s vital to your health as you age to make time for free weights as a senior. There are many benefits to maintaining healthy muscles.

According to one study published in Preventive Medicine, older adults 65 plus who lift twice a week are 46% less likely to experience all-cause mortality than those who do not. Simply put, lifting weights extends your life expectancy. Additionally, Frontiers in Psychology states that consistent resistance training helps to prevent age-related diseases like heart disease and cancer.

Brisk Walks

Walking is easy and beneficial to seniors when done regularly. Going for a stroll at a moderate pace is connected to better cognitive function, a stronger heart, and healthier bones. One study suggests that walking improves memory in seniors and can actually increase the size of the hippocampus, the part of the brain responsible for memories.  

Another study found that women who walk at least one mile a day maintained better bone density than those who did not.


Much like squats, lunges are another great way to maintain muscles and improve balance. According to Healthline, lunges help correct imbalances and body misalignments which help with mobility and body symmetry. Not to mention, they also contribute to better weight loss and posture. 

You can either perform the standard forward lunge or side lunges to reap these benefits.


As one of the oldest exercises around, another study indicated that men who perform 40 push-ups in 30 seconds are at lower risk for developing heart disease or suffering a stroke. Push-ups improve your health by developing several areas of muscle, boosting metabolism, and benefitting your cardiovascular system. It is a full-body workout with no equipment.

However, push-ups aren’t easy for everyone to perform. If you find yourself having difficulty completing them, there are several push-up modifications you can do to make them easier.

Now that you’ve gotten in the right mindset for healthier living, how about keeping the positivity going? Get our eBook on how to Improve Your Fitness Over 60!

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