Healthy Aging: 6 Ways to Find Success
Whether you’re in your 60’s, 70’s or 80’s, there is one thing that remains true when it comes to healthy aging, it’s always a work in progress.
And it’s the little things you do each day that add up to living a healthy lifestyle.
6 Approaches to Healthy Aging
1. Get Your Check-Ups
Go to your doctor for an annual physical and all recommended exams. Having a baseline of wellness helps your doctor pinpoint when things are not normal. Make your appointments and keep them. You owe it to yourself.
2. Sleep
Sleep affects both our physical and mental health tremendously. Lack of sleep affects metabolism, mood, concentration, memory, motor skills, stress hormones and even the immune system and cardiovascular health. Sleep provides the following benefits:
- Allows your body to heal, repair and rejuvenate
- Improves concentration and memory
- Reduces “perceived hunger”
- Reduces daily stress
- Increases energy
3. Exercise
There are many, many benefits of regular exercise from heart health to reducing discomfort associated with rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, fibromyalgia, and osteoarthritis. For overall wellness, shoot for the “trifecta” of exercise—cardio, strength, and stretching—to achieve the maximum benefits.
The Trifecta of Exercise
Cardio – Swimming, walking, aquatic workouts, and jogging are all cardiovascular activities. This type of exercise improves the efficiency of oxygen distribution throughout the body and strengthens the heart.
Strength – Weight lifting, strength training, using equipment like Nautilus or Keiser, performing resistance moves in the pool, digging or pull weeds, carrying loads of laundry or groceries will all increase strength. Strength training can include anything that is pushing or pulling for some type of resistance.
Stretch – Stretching is an important part of a fitness program. It improves circulation and range of motion, promotes better posture, relieves stress and reduces the chance of injury. Stretch in a chair, on your bed, on the floor, or through Yoga or Tai Chi.
4. Eat For Health
Good nutrition is important because it boosts your immunity, reduces the risk of disease and improves your daily energy level. And just as your body changes with age so will your diet, and it’s important to learn how to adjust your eating habits as you age.
A word about breakfast
Some people don’t eat breakfast but it does wake up your metabolism, stabilize blood sugar and help prevent overeating at the end of the day. If you’re not a ‘breakfast’ person, consider a protein bar or fruit smoothie to start your day.
5. Hydrate
Our bodies are made up primarily of water and we need it as a natural cleanser for our organs and digestive system. Being hydrated is crucial for the brain as well as for flushing out toxins through the skin (perspiration) and urine.
The amount of fluids you need is based on your weight because you should drink half that amount in ounces. For example: if a woman weighs 150 lbs, half her body weight is 75. Therefore she needs to drink 75 ounces of fluids per day, which is or 8-9 cups or about 2 liters.
6. Reduce Stress
Stress can cause a myriad of problems, from hormonal to heart to digestion. This is no surprise, but many people just don’t know what to do about it. Try the following strategies for reducing stress and increasing happiness.
- Exercise – it’s a natural stress reliever and natural antidepressant
- Meditate – it doesn’t have to be “perfect” to work
- Spend time outdoors
- Do what you love and be with people you love
- Find spiritual solutions
Looking for some other new secrets to living a healthy lifestyle? With this FREE A-Z guide on Living and Aging the Way You Want you can learn the ABCs of aging successfully. Download your PDF and start living the lifestyle you want.
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