Healthy Aging and What You Can Expect in the Process

Blog Category: Health

There is a lot of information out there about healthy aging, but what is normal and what can you expect as you get older? Most people know about wrinkles and grey hairs, but now you can learn the other aspects of aging you can prepare for.

Healthy Aging and What to Expect


One common change in your cardiovascular system is the stiffening of the arteries and blood vessels. This causes your heart to have to work much harder to pump blood through your arteries and blood vessels. 

What You Can Do

  • Make sure you exercise regularly throughout your aging journey
  • Eat healthily
  • Quit smoking
  • Learn stress management techniques
  • Get your Z’s

Bone and Joints

As you age, your bones may shrink in size and density. This weakens them and makes them more prone to fracturing. You could even become a little shorter, as well. In addition to bone changes, your muscles can also change. As you age, your muscles lose strength, flexibility, and endurance. These factors affect your stability, balance, and coordination.

What You Can Do

  • Make sure you get enough calcium
  • Get your vitamin D
  • Limit alcohol intake to a reasonable amount for your sex and age


One common side effect of aging is muscles deterioration. As you get older your muscles my shrink and lose mass. Though this is natural to a certain extent, a sedentary lifestyle can accelerate the process. The water in your tendons decreases with age as well. This means the tissues become stiffer and less capable of tolerating stress. This can affect your balance and coordination.

What You Can Do

Digestive System

There are a lot of digestive changes that can occur as you age. From constipation to incontinence, these changes can be uncomfortable and distressing. Contributing factors to constipation may include not drinking enough fluids, lack of exercise, and a low-fiber diet. Medications, like diuretics, can contribute to digestive issues as well.

What You Can Do

  • Eat a balanced diet
  • Get exercise daily
  • If you get the urge to move your bowels, don’t ignore it
  • Stay hydrated 

Memory and Thinking Skills

Changes in your memory and thinking skills can be scary, but remember that some changes are normal and some changes aren’t normal.  A normal change in healthy adults is becoming forgetful, especially with names and words. Some adults might find multitasking to be more difficult as they age as well.

What Can You Do

  • Stay mentally active and keep learning new things
  • Stay social
  • Keep your heart healthy
  • Quit smoking

Eyes and Ears

With age sometimes comes difficulties focusing on objects that are close. Additionally, you could become more sensitive to glare and increased trouble with your eyes adjusting to the light. 

Your ability to hear things clearly can also diminish with time. You could have difficulty hearing certain frequencies or following particular conversations. Especially in crowded rooms.

What You Can Do

  • Get check-ups regularly
  • Wear sunglasses in the bright glare
  • Don’t listen to music with headphones on high volume


As many people already know, your skin becomes less elastic and loses fatty tissue under the skin. Some people will notice more bruising and that your skin may become drier. There may also be skin tags, age spots, and wrinkles. 

What You Can Do

  • Be gentle with your skin and use warm water instead of hot
  • Use mild soap
  • Regularly use sunscreen when outside
  • Don’t smoke

Healthy Aging

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