Tips for Managing a Healthy Weight

Blog Category: Health

Are you looking for tips to manage your weight? Whether you need to gain some weight to keep yourself strong or lose visceral fat, the body fat that increases the risk of health problems like Type 2 Diabetes and heart disease, here are some healthy lifestyle changes you can easily make.

Things That Affect Our Weight As We Age

We experience a decline in metabolism as early as our 20s, so it only gets more challenging to maintain a healthy weight as we get older. Other body changes we experience over time, like hormonal changes and aging muscles, make it harder to combat unhealthy weight. If you experience a chronic illness, underlying health conditions, or side effects from medications, that will also affect your overall health and, therefore, your weight. Gender also plays a slight role in weight, as women age a little differently from how men age.

Stop Bad Habits

In order to set healthy habits for yourself and see those desired results, you’ll first need to cut out the bad habits that could get in the way of your progress:

  • Poor sleep
  • Lack of exercise
  • Binge eating
  • Drinking sugary beverages
  • Eating too many calories and carbohydrates
  • Skipping meals
  • Eating late
  • Smoking
  • Excess snacking
  • Shopping when hungry
  • Eating too quickly or mindlessly

Eat Healthy

There are lots of simple tricks and food recommendations that can make eating healthy effortless over time:

  • Eat fiber-rich foods like fruits, vegetables, legumes, and oats.
  • Eat high-protein foods like eggs, fish, seafood, legumes, nuts, meat, and dairy products.
  • Drink more water and electrolytes.
  • Watch your portions and use a smaller plate.
  • Practice mindful eating by paying attention to the flavor and texture of the food you are eating and savoring each bite.
  • Eat more fresh and homemade meals instead of fast or processed food.
  • Spread your calorie intake throughout the day.
  • If you snack between meals to avoid overeating at one time, choose healthy foods to munch on.


Regular exercise helps us to have energy, maintain our independence, and fight body fat and loss of muscle mass. Consider trying these exercises to start your healthy lifestyle journey:

  • Cycling
  • Dancing
  • Low-impact exercises like chair yoga
  • Pilates
  • Strength and weight training
  • Swimming and Water Aerobics
  • Tai chi
  • Walking

Sleep Well

One of the most common side effects of lack of sleep is a spike in appetite, so we tend to munch more while we’re tired than we do when we’re rested. Start healthy sleep habits to ensure no drowsy munching happens when traveling or visiting family.

Watch Your Stress Levels

Dealing with prolonged stress can increase the hormone cortisol, which is directly related to fluid retention and water weight since it controls water balance in your body, called the antidiuretic hormone (ADH). This hormone works by signaling your kidneys and indicating how much water to pump back into your body. Controlling your levels of stress will help you maintain your normal ADH levels, which is vital for fluid balance.

Talk to a Professional

As much as we can learn so much from the internet, it’s best to speak with a professional before you make any major lifestyle changes. Consult your doctor about anything they could see as a concern, such as underlying health conditions, family history, or current medications. Consider meeting with a dietician and personal trainer to gain insight into foods and exercises that best suit your needs.

Looking for some helpful tips on your fitness journey? Check out our ebook, Improve Your Fitness Over 60!

At Life Enriching Communities (LEC), we’re committed to ensuring patrons feel well-equipped to plan their future and age how they wish. Explore more resources on senior living or contact us today to learn more about our legacy of services and programs that bring meaning and purpose to every stage of life.