What is ChatGPT?

Blog Category: Tech

You’ve probably heard more and more in the news and from younger generations about incredible innovations in technology, one of the most prominent right now being ChatGPT. But what exactly is ChatGPT, how does it work, what are the pros and cons, and how can you use it?

What is ChatGPT and How Does it Work?

Chat Generative Pre-trained Transformer, or ChatGPT as we know it, is an artificial intelligence (AI) chatbot that uses natural language processing to create humanlike conversational dialogue that responds to questions and assists you in making content. This content can range from essays, code, art, emails, blogs, articles, and social media posts. Similar products include Microsoft’s Bing AI and Google Bard.

When you submit a question online, ChatGPT breaks down your request into smaller pieces to analyze the relationship between the words, grammar, semantics, syntax, and context from previous conversations you’ve had with the AI. ChatGPT then compares this information from your request to its knowledge base comprised of information from multiple sources across the internet. Once it connects the context of your request to its knowledge base, ChatGPT generates a full predictive text response.

Pros and Cons of Using ChatGPT

There are many wonderful benefits to using ChatGPT, as well as some limitations and fears people are concerned about. Here are the pros and cons of utilizing ChatGPT:


  • Instant responses are available to you 24/7. This means that redundant tasks or in-depth projects that may have taken you hours before to complete are done in a matter of minutes, and you can achieve that any time of the day!
  • It’s accessible to everyone through text-based interactions and options in multiple languages or translations.
  • It’s resourceful and cost-effective to require fewer people involved in a creative process or project.
  • You have access to education and training at your fingertips.


  • There is a lack of knowledge of events and data after 2021, so you won’t receive the most current information.
  • Responses can sound unnatural and machine-like as ChatGPT doesn’t fully understand the complexity of human language, including sarcasm and irony.
  • While ChatGPT pulls information from the internet, it doesn’t cite its sources or provide analysis or commentary when looking at data or statistics. This leads to issues in plagiarism, which educators have brought up, and deceit, as ChatGPT sometimes passes along misinformation unknowingly.
  • ChatGPT may get hung up on one part of your question instead of the whole and can’t shift away from its path in answering you.
  • People may view this resourceful tool as a way to replace workers for quick content. This can take jobs away from people and remove human interaction completely in conversation.
  • ChatGPT pulls information from all corners of the internet, including biased, incorrect details, and it doesn’t know the difference from true, factual information. This means that it could write you an essay with untrue, ignorant details, and if you don’t check that, the content will dissuade the masses and cloud the internet further with lies.

Your conversations with ChatGPT can also be used for training with AI. The good thing is it helps the program grow smarter and more accurate, but the flipside is whatever content you submit will be out to the internet, so please refrain from using personal or private information in your requests.

How Can You Use ChatGPT?

At the end of the day, ChatGPT is a tool to motivate, inspire, and assist you in a variety of ways:

  • Asking questions like you would on Google or Bing to learn
  • Brainstorming ideas with suggestions and discussion points
  • Enhancing, simplifying, or rewording content for various formats
  • Find keywords for search engine optimization
  • Generating code, art, and music
  • Play games and solve problems
  • Researching markets for products
  • Translating into dozens of languages
  • Writing, editing, summarizing, and proofreading articles, books, product descriptions, blogs, quizzes, social media content, scripts, resumes, cover letters, and cards

Don’t just take the work it provides as final. Use ChatGPT to aid you in your search, get creative juices flowing, or have as a second set of eyes when working on your project.

Take hold of the future of technology in retirement with our free ebook, Control Your Technology.

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