4 Simple Steps to Declutter Your Closet

Blog Category: Lifestyle

As we have gone over before, it is best to begin your downsizing and decluttering journey one room at a time. If you missed it, we started with decluttering your kitchen. Now, we are focusing on your closets and wardrobe. When it comes to your closets, do you feel a wave of panic wash over you every time you look inside? Do you face a mountain of mess? Well, you can tackle this obstacle and begin to declutter your closet with these simple steps. 

Regardless of whether you are downsizing to move to a CCRC or just want to tidy up your space, you have come to the right place.

Benefits of Decluttering Your Closet

Whether you want to declutter your closet or simplify it to clear it of excess, removing the clutter can have a positive impact on your life.

  • Getting dressed faster and easier
  • You may save money because you know what you have
  • Your closet is easier to tidy up

Now, without further ado, here are the tips to decluttering your closet.

Declutter Your Closet

Gather Your Garments

Take all your clothes out of your closet and put them in a pile, preferably on your bed instead of the floor. Separate the different types of clothes like sweaters, blouses, dresses, suits, etc… Often people are surprised to see how many near duplicate items they possess. 

Find Your Least Favorites

To start decluttering, find a category of things that aren’t likely to be hard to decide on, like socks, and start decluttering. Similarly, pick out the things you know you won’t mind parting with. Not only should this be an easy way to start, but it should also psychologically prepare you for downsizing and decluttering. Conversely,  you can also pick out your favorites and set those aside, though it is better to start with your least favorite. Your least favorite are less likely to make it through the first round of decluttering and will get you in the mindset of getting rid of your stuff. 

Sort Through the Rest

Next, you should look at what’s left and go through each category of items and continue working and decluttering the same way. If you are having trouble deciding if you want to keep something, compare it to your top three favorite items. Does it match? Could it complete an outfit?

If the answer is no, then you might not be likely to wear it.

Enjoy Your Space

The funny thing is, once you start decluttering, you are much more likely to enjoy your space. Studies suggest that decluttering and downsizing can actually make us happier. Downsizing and decluttering is a long journey, but we can manage it one area at a time.

Looking to learn more about downsizing and decluttering your home? Click the icon below to download your FREE copy to Unlock the Power to Declutter: The Definitive Guide on How to Start so you can get cleaning!

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