6 Benefits of Practicing Yogalates and Why You Should Start Today

Blog Category: Health Lifestyle

The ever-increasing craze called yogalates is sweeping the nation due to its positive effects on the mind and body. This practice allows you to improve your physical limits, which is at the heart of yogalates. Everyone has a different fitness level and this exercise is highly adaptable while also being great for increasing flexibility and muscle tone. Since Twin Lakes has a great yogalates program, we thought this would be an opportunity to educate you on some of the benefits of practicing it.

What is Yogalates?

As the name suggests, yogalates is a combination of yoga and pilates. It is ideal for capturing the best qualities of both practices. However, the advantage of joining a class is that the instructor can correct your movements and poses to ensure you are doing them correctly. 

Jonathan Urla invented yogalates in 1997. It is often described as an evolving method that is highly adaptable in the light of new research and methodology to ensure movement of the whole body.

6 Benefits of Yogalates

According to our Wellness Specialist, Monica Stamper:

“Yogalates is a form of fall prevention practice. It centers on the core muscles which helps strengthen the low back muscles and assists with better posture and balanced. It also increases flexibility and mobility and improves confidence and body awareness. Added bonus is offers learning to breathe properly and centering and clearing of the mind.”

Increased flexibility

The great thing about yoga and pilates is that you can make your workout as easy or as challenging as you choose. And both increase your flexibility. To improve your flexibility, be sure to practice several poses every day and over time you will see improvement. Be sure not to over-exert yourself when you begin and take your time. Wellness and flexibility are marathons, not sprints.

Reduced Back Pain

Yogalates helps with back pain by stretching the back muscles and improving mobility, especially in the lower back. Yoga and yogalates are actually recommended by the American College of Physicians to treat chronic back pain.

Toned Muscles

It should come as no surprise at this point that yogalates helps tone your muscles. This is due to the poses which demand muscles to flex and relax which aids in toning. 

Eased Symptoms of Arthritis

As we mentioned, this exercise is great for your joints. This is because the gentle movements have been known to alleviate some discomfort in tender or swollen joints, according to John Hopkins.

Heart Health

Regularly participating in low-impact exercise, like yogalates, can reduce stress and inflammation which contributes to having a healthier heart. Additionally, several contributing factors to heart disease, like high blood pressure, can be helped with exercise.

Boosted  Mood

According to the National Institutes of Health, this exercise supports stress management, mental health, quality sleep, and much more. All these things contribute to improved mood.

Twin Lakes offers two yogalates classes:

  • Monday
    • Yogalates Floor at 11am
  • Wednesday
    • Yogatales Standing at 11:15am

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