A Senior’s Guide to Taking the Perfect Senior Selfie

Blog Category: Lifestyle

Do you want to get in on the social media trend of taking and posting selfies? Well, you aren’t alone. Millennials started the trend in the early 2000’s and it continues to be a popular form of self-expression today. However, if you are over a certain age, you may not like your selfies very much. Whether it’s falling victim to an unflattering angle or being self-conscious about your appearance, taking a selfie might not be a pleasant experience for you. Luckily, there are a few tricks to taking the perfect senior selfie. After all, it can be fun to learn new things.

How to Take the Perfect Senior Selfie


One thing millennials and zennials may not tell you is that they practice taking pictures all the time. You may think you can just hold up the camera and snap a photo and presto! You have the perfect selfie.

But it’s not actually that simple. You need to learn what angles work best for your features. It may take hundreds of pictures, but practice taking them and over time you will learn what works best for you.

Know Your Angles

Selfies are, in reality, very studied. The key to understanding your face, and then taking pictures of it, is to understand your angles. Also, how to change them. It can be a lot of fun to make yourself look very different and this can be done by experimenting with the angle you face towards the lens. When you take your picture, be sure to be aware of light sources and shadows. This can dramatically change the mood of the image.

Understand the Shape of Your Face

The next thing you need to understand is the shape of your face. First of all, you must consider if you wear makeup because that can be used to change your face shape. The makeup you wear doesn’t register the same in a photograph as it does in reality. Makeup in a selfie always has to be more prominent, so much so that you might feel a little silly.

Attributes of a Good Selfie

The attributes of a good selfie are pretty simple; lighting, angle, direction, and expression. Now, put them all together and you have the makings of a great photo. It’s all about downplaying the parts of your face you like less which can be done by pointing the camera up, down, and side to side. 

Try taking pictures in different poses to find the right angles. Try taking a selfie in the mirror, sitting in a chair, backward, and forwards. This is good practice that should help you find your perfect pose.
If you want other helpful tips to keep you energized as you age, check out our FREE e-book Living and Aging the Way You Want. Inside you will find helpful bits of advice on living your best life. Download your PDF by clicking the icon below.