Assisted Living for Couples: Staying Together with Different Care Needs

Blog Category: Lifestyle

Living with a spouse or partner whose health has declined can take you from lover to caretaker. This transition can not only lead to caregiver burnout but it also adds stress to your relationship. Fortunately, assisted living for couples is a solution that allows you to resume the role of a spouse as your partner is given the support they need. A continuing care retirement community (CCRC) can provide the assistance you are looking for and allow you to stay by your partner’s side while they receive a higher level of care.

Assisted Living for Couples

The Toll of Caregiving

The roller coaster of caregiving is often left to the partner of the ailing party and is a massive physical and emotional workload. While family members and friends often pitch in to help, you are the one left with the real heavy lifting of caregiving. 

Family Caregiver Alliance states that caregivers taking charge of their spouse’s health needs will on average put in 45 hours a week of caregiving responsibilities. These tasks may include:

  • Bathing
  • Dressing
  • Meal preparation
  • Transportation

It’s a lot to take on and the risk of caregiver burnout is higher for spouses than in any other caregiving group. Burnout is a phenomenon that leaves caregivers, especially spouses, at a higher risk for depression, anxiety, heart disease, and sleep problems. However, moving your partner to an assisted living community can help lift the burden. 

Senior Living for Couples: CCRCs

This is where a CCRC can help you find the solution that fits you and your spouse’s care needs. Since a community offers a variety of care solutions – like assisted living and memory care – you can get personalized assistance that ensures the care of your spouse. If your spouse is in assisted living and you are not, you can visit daily and spend as much time together as you want. This is even easier if you live in the same community.

In an assisted living community you can take advantage of a safe and secure environment with 24-hour assistance. Here you can rest assured that the trained professionals working there will help you monitor your medications, help you with transportation needs, and take on the responsibility of maintaining your home. That gives you and your spouse more time to focus on what you enjoy.

CCRC Living Options

There are a variety of living options offered by a continuing care community. Each option is on-site at the same location and is available to residents as their needs change. Often, a care community will offer:

  • Independent living
  • Assisted living
  • Skilled nursing
  • Memory support
  • Hospice

While you may be a good candidate for independent living, your partner may need more hands-on support. CCRCs are an excellent alternative for couples who want to live together but require different levels of care. This allows you to leave the role of primary caregiver to the professionals. 

Wondering if your parent or spouse might be ready for assisted living but don’t know what the next step is? Check out our free eBook, Assisted Living and Older Adults!