Some Exercise for Obese Seniors Improves Vascular Health

Blog Category: Health

Exercise for obese seniors can make a marked difference in vascular health according to one study. It is demonstrated that just 200 calories a day combined with half an hour of aerobic exercise four days a week is connected with an improvement in aortic stiffness, which is a measure of vascular health. These findings were published in the American Heart Association’s journal, Circulation.

Exercises for Obese Seniors

With the knowledge that a moderate reduction of calories and aerobic activity can affect your arteries, you can use it to age better. Learn how to exercise for obese seniors.

The Facts About Exercise for Obese Seniors

Relatively small changes in your routine and diet are sustainable long-term. This is known due to a controlled trial that included 160 obese and sedentary seniors aged 65-79. Obesity was defined as a BMI of 30-45 kg/m2. The average age in this study was 69 years old and the trial consisted of 74% women. 

Participants were assigned at random to one of three intervention groups for 20 weeks. The intervention groups were divided into exercise only, exercise plus moderate caloric restrictions, and exercise plus intensive caloric restrictions. All participants received supervised aerobic training four days a week.

To determine the change in vascular health, each participant had their aorta measured using a cardiac MRI before and after. The aorta is the largest artery in the body and is used to deliver oxygen and other vital nutrients from the heart to some vital organs. If the aorta stiffens, the heart must work harder to pump blood through the body.

A higher BMI combined with abdominal fat and waist circumference are all indicators of aortic stiffness. The trial found that weight loss of roughly 10% of your total body weight – or about 20 pounds – was associated with significant improvement in aortic stiffness.

5 Fantastic Exercises for Obese Seniors


Walking is one of the best exercises for improving fitness and weight loss. The benefits of walking vary depending on sex and weight. Walking one mile can burn up to 100 calories.

While many people think they need to run or jog in order to reap the benefits of cardio, in reality, walking is just as beneficial. 

Modified Push-Ups

While push-ups can be difficult for most people, especially if you are overweight, you can modify the exercise. This is good for cardiovascular health because it is a whole-body workout and will also strengthen your core.

To make a push-up easier, simply perform the activity while standing up with your hands pushing against a wall instead of the floor.

Ride a Stationary Bike

Biking is a great way to get in shape, but not all of us are able to take a bike on the streets around the neighborhood. 

A stationary bike is a great substitute. They often come with backrests, which makes keeping your weight off your wrists easier. It’s also a great way to burn calories. 

Side Leg Lifts

If you are looking for creative lower body workouts, then side leg lifts might just be what you are looking for. 

Side leg lifts are beneficial for incorporating a well-rounded exercise regime. They have a demonstrated reduction in pain and increase muscle performance.

To perform a side leg lift, you’ll want to lay on your side and place a hand from your elevated side on the floor behind your head. Lift your leg facing the ceiling as high as it can go and then gently, slowly, bring it down to rest.

Repeat this exercise for the other leg.


Bridges are a great exercise to strengthen your core and are very low impact. 

For this exercise, you’ll want to get down on the floor and position your body parallel to it. Position your hands evenly below your shoulders and then rest your elbows on the floor and hold this position. A common mistake while performing the bridge is to curve your back. Be sure to make sure your back is straight. Try to hold this pose for 60 seconds.

Keep in mind that being overweight is a small and adjustable punctuation on the state of your health and is as manageable as you make it.

Now that you’ve gotten in the right mindset for healthier living, how about keeping the positivity going? Download our eBook on how to Improve Your Fitness Over 60!


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