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Memory Support

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Creating A Brighter Tomorrow With Memory Support

There is nothing easy about a diagnosis of dementia Alzheimer’s. However, with Twin Towers Assisted Living Memory Support, the path to a healthy future is just around the corner. Part of the Twin Towers’ continuum, Memory Support provides a secure environment while treating residents with respect, attention, and compassion. Featuring private rooms and baths, each resident has their own personal space. Common areas allow for gatherings and activities while smaller, more intimate areas encourage quiet reflection and casual conversation.

Bedroom in memory care at Twin Towers

Effective January 1, 2025, the daily rate for a private accommodation is $404.

senior painting a picture with assistance

Enrichment for Cognitive Health

The best medicine for cognitive health is keeping your mind active and with the Twin Towers’ calendar of events, there is no shortage of engaging occasions. From Movement and Music to monthly manicures, residents are treated with consideration and kindness. Cognitive enrichment can prevent cognitive decline. Twin Towers also features Opening Minds Through Art, an intergenerational art program through Miami University. This program is designed for individuals with dementia to promote social engagement, autonomy, and dignity through creative expression. This type of enrichment is vital to memory care and cognitive function.

Included in your daily fee:

  • Assistance with dressing, self care, activities of daily living, attending meals, medication administration, as well as increased monitoring of health status
  • Utilities: water, sewer, electricity, heating and air conditioning
  • Telephone services and cable television
  • Free Wi-Fi
  • Insurance on the home structure and applicable property taxes
  • Three meals a day with the option of multiple dining venues
  • Basic housekeeping and linen changes weekly
  • Personal laundry service weekly
  • Trash removal
  • Interior home maintenance
  • Transportation assistance
  • 24-hour security and emergency call system
  • Appliance repair or replacement
  • Full calendar of programming and events
  • Pastoral care services
  • Membership to The Connection – Fitness and Wellness Center
Tablet next to plant and laptop

Memory Support Packing Guide

Moving your loved one into memory support can be a big step. This checklist helps you pack the essentials for a smoother transition, ensuring they feel secure and well-cared for.

Discover more about Memory Support at Twin Towers

Senior resident with memory impairment enjoying time outside with CARES dementia certified nurse

CARES® Dementia Trained Staff

CARES® Dementia Training focuses on person-centered care, the changes that happen to thinking skills as dementia progresses, how those changes impact behavior, and how to understand behavior as communication. Our clinical staff is certified within two weeks of being hired.

A senior with memory loss participating in a painting activity with the support of an associate

Engaging Events & Programming

At Twin Towers, our memory support residents are offered a variety of interesting events and programming created to meet their unique needs and desires. Residents thrive with opportunities to discover new interests, socialize with one another, and more with a guiding hand from our compassionate associates.

Memory Care Purpose Statement

Memory Support Resources

Discover our informative guides for navigating memory loss.

Interested in learning more about memory support at Twin Towers? Fill out the form below and we will be in touch soon.