How to Declutter Linen Closets in Just 5 Minutes or Less

Blog Category: Lifestyle

Decluttering your home can be a busy business, however, there are decluttering tasks you can complete quickly. If you’re looking to declutter linen closets, you’ve come to the right place. And better yet, you can do it in five minutes or less!

Looking to expand your cleaning from the closets to the kitchen? Check out this article

Declutter Linen Closets

Old Bath Towels

We all have at least one tattered old bath towel for messy cleaning tasks. And having one or two is fine, but nine or ten? It’s a good idea to keep a few, but for the rest try donating them to the local animal shelter.

Old Bedding 

Whether you’re still holding onto old crib sheets or just keeping those full-size sheets “just in case” even though you don’t have a full-size bed, there are sheets you probably don’t need. It’s time to let them go. If they happen to be in good condition, you can check with a local shelter or not-for-profit to see if they need them. 

Mismatched Bedding

Speaking of bed sheets, do you have any that don’t match? Time to add them to the donation pile. 

Holiday Linens

You likely have some festive tablecloths for Thanksgiving or Christmas, but really, do you need them? If you never use them, it might be time to get them out of your closet. 

Expired Toiletries

Let’s face it, we use linen closets for more than just towels and sheets. Often, these closets collect extra bathroom toiletries. Now is a good time to go through and check the expiration dates and toss any old bottles of sunscreen and body lotion.

Moth-Eaten Blankets

When taken care of blankets can become family heirlooms, especially when they are handmade. But if moths have gotten to them first, it may be time to toss them. If they haven’t, perhaps it is time to store them in airtight packages to prevent future damage from happening.

Unnecessary Cleaning Products

If your linen closet also happens to be a utility closet, don’t forget to go through your cleaning supplies. Remember, these products also have expiration dates for when they become less effective. Be sure to follow the disposal recommendations on the label.

Ready to begin downsizing? Here is the best FREE starter’s guide to beginning your downsizing journey. Click the icon below to download your FREE copy to Unlock the Power to Declutter: The Definitive Guide on How to Start.

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