Senior Living Touring Tips and Benefits

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Tours are a great way to get to know a senior living community, no matter where you are in your search! Whether you’re just starting to explore your options or need a fresh perspective on what to look for, here is a comprehensive guide for touring physically or digitally.

Benefits of Touring a Senior Living Community

There’s no need to wait year after year to look at senior living communities! Now’s the time to consider your priorities as you age while you’re still energetic and ambitious and have time to plan when to sell your home and how to do so. Here are some benefits of simply touring a senior living community:

  • You can meet potential future neighbors and staff you’ll trust.
  • You can visit during an event so you’ll know what opportunities there are and what the environment is like.
  • You’ll narrow down what is and isn’t important for you to have as you age.
  • You and your family can have peace of mind knowing you’re taking steps to make a plan for your future.
  • You can experience things like dining firsthand and ask questions in real time.
  • You have the opportunity to get on the waitlist.

In-person Touring

When you can see the community in person, there are many things to look for:

  • Finding the perfect location close to other places and people in your life that are important to you.
  • Available programs and services that meet your pace, interests, and values.
  • The layout of the community, including cleanliness, safety, and security features.
  • How residents and staff interact with each other and their peers.
  • If the community provides a continuum of care and how their residents thrive at every level.
  • Accommodations for disability, allergy, or dietary needs.
  • Potential floor plans that would interest you and how you can decorate them.

Virtual Touring

Virtual tours and webinars help bring people together through online platforms where all attendees can see and follow the presenter’s digital tour of the senior living community. The nice thing about virtual senior living tours is that they are convenient since you don’t even have to be in the same state as the community you’re considering! So, if you want to leave your home in Florida to live closer to family in Ohio, it’s easy to start exploring your options with a click of a button. Recorded webinars are also great because you can watch them anytime instead of waiting for a scheduled tour. If you’re new to virtual tours and meetings, here are simple instructions to get you there easily:

  • Click the link the host provided you. It will take you to the room the meeting is occurring in, so you’ll just have to hit the “join” button.
  • You will be given the option to use your camera or not before entering the room. Once in the room, you will be prompted to use your audio. Click “yes,” but be sure to mute your microphone to avoid any unwanted noise in the room.
  • Throughout the presentation, participants can type questions and comments in the chat box for presenters to address.

Questions to Ask on a Tour

In-person or online, here are some great questions to ask during your tour to make sure it’s the right community for you:

  • Is there an entrance fee?
  • Is there an age requirement?
  • What floor plans are available, and how can I personalize my space?
  • What is the ratio of staff members to residents?
  • What kind of training is required of the staff?
  • Are there health services available on campus, including nutritionists, physical therapists, and trainers?
  • In what types of specific care is the staff experienced?
  • Is this a for-profit or not-for-profit community?
  • Are there accommodations and opportunities for guests?
  • Are pets allowed?
  • What services are included in the monthly fee?
  • What resident clubs and committees are there?
  • What kind of cultural, educational, and social programs are available?
  • Is transportation provided to grocery stores, local attractions, and medical offices?
  • What dining options are available?
  • What does the waitlist look like, and how can I sign up?
  • BONUS: Ask to have pictures sent so you can compare communities later.

Are you getting excited thinking about your future? Explore all the things you could do in our ebook, Lifestyle Opportunities in Senior Living Communities!

At Life Enriching Communities (LEC), we’re committed to ensuring patrons feel well-equipped to plan their future and age how they wish. Explore more resources on senior living or contact us today to learn more about our legacy of services and programs that bring meaning and purpose to every stage of life.