Way of Wellness
Wellness involves actively engaging in activities, making choices, and adopting lifestyles that foster holistic health and optimal functioning within your current environment. Dr. Bill Hetler, co-founder of the National Wellness Institute (NWI), developed a framework known as the Six Dimensions of Wellness to help organizations provide relevant services and resources.
These six dimensions are physical, social, vocational, intellectual, emotional, and spiritual.
The Physical dimension of wellness includes a well-balanced diet, exercise, sleep, reduced risk of illness, and maintaining our highest degree of independence. Physical wellness involves keeping your body active and nourished in a way that is accessible and enjoyable.

The Social dimension of wellness is the ability to relate to and connect with friends, family, and even strangers. Social wellness involves communicating with others near and far, which has proven benefits to mental health and memory.
The Vocational dimension of wellness is the satisfaction and fulfillment that comes from offering, developing, and exercising one’s skills and talents in any activity. Vocational wellness involves occupational, career, community, and domestic duties that enhance everyone’s daily life.

The Intellectual dimension of wellness involves engaging in creative pursuits and intellectually stimulating activities to keep minds alert and interested. Intellectual wellness involves learning, problem-solving, and challenging yourself.
The Emotional dimension of wellness represents the importance of maintaining balance in life, managing stress levels, and finding joy and fulfillment every day. Emotional wellness involves identifying and responding to the feelings of yourself and others.

The Spiritual dimension of wellness focuses on being connected to something greater than yourself and adhering to values that guide your actions. Spiritual wellness can mean different things to different people, such as experiencing a sense of peace and calm through meditation or finding joy and purpose through religious expression.
A Healthier Lifestyle Starts Here!